For a flat annual cost or a low monthly fee, you can enjoy unlimited free deliveries on all orders of $35 or more. You must meet the $35 order minimum for each retailer on Instacart within an order.

As an Instacart+ member, you can save on average $7 per order. You can also enjoy the following exclusive benefits on every order—

  • $0 delivery fees on orders of $35 or more (typically starting at $3.99 for non-Instacart+)
  • Reduced service fees
    • The service fee covers a broad range of operating costs including shopper operations, insurance, background checks, and Instacart Customer Experience.

Additional Instacart+ benefits

  • Receive 5% credit back on eligible pickup orders from participating retailers
  • Family accounts: Allows 2 customers to share a single Instacart+ membership.
  • Family carts: Invite family or friends from the same household to build a cart together when you have a family account.
  • Peacock (US Only): Receive a Peacock Premium subscription at no additional cost.

Additional Instacart+ benefits terms and conditions

For full terms and conditions for each Instacart+ benefit, check out our Help Center articles below.

This membership does not give you faster delivery or earlier time slots than other customers. Likewise, membership with Instacart+ does not guarantee that specific delivery slots will be available for a given delivery. For full terms and conditions, please visit the Instacart+ Terms and Conditions.